In this section you will find answers to some of the frequently asked questions. Simply click on a question to reveal the answer and click again to hide it.
What should I expect after the consultation?
Dr Stephen Motto will explain his understanding of the situation and try to reach a diagnosis of the underlying problem. Various scans or tests may be required and a follow up visit will be arranged to clarify matters and to discuss / receive appropriate treatment.
Will the consultation be paid by medical insurance companies?
Yes, providing there has been an appropriate referral, almost all medical insurers will reimburse fees. However, the patient remains responsible for all payments and shortfalls.
Are cortisone injections bad for you?
The way we use these in clinic (low doses with a period of rest and appropriate rehabilitation) facilitates the healing response in many injuries where inflammation is a problem. Too many injections of cortisone are bad, in a sense, as they may weaken tissue and predispose them to rupture. Other soft tissue injections are sometimes used instead of cortisone because of this very reason.
Do I need to rest after treatments such as injections?
Yes, I usually recommend 2-3 days rest as cortisone injections may take 5-6 days before they take effect.